Words from Jennifer Hadley:
"I’ve come to realize that all feelings of fear are the result of choosing separation from Spirit in some form or another. It always comes down to a judgment, an opinion.
The more I cultivate a pristine awareness, a release of all opinions and judgments, the more peaceful I feel. The more safe and secure I feel. The more I feel free to Love and be loved.
Fear is not caused by anything other than choosing to value a belief in separation from each other and from God. Practice non-judgment and watch the peace emerge and the fear recede.
Don’t take my word for it. Prove it. When you choose to block Love from your heart and mind, you feel afraid. When you choose to block Love from your heart and mind, you are cutting the communication with the ALL in ALL – and that’s why you feel afraid.
If you don’t enjoy feeling afraid, choose again."
You can find more of Jennifer Hadley at: jenniferhadley.com/blog.