A good friend of mine, Gwendalyn Gilliam, just wrote the following article which I liked so much, I asked for permission to include here. Reading it opened my eyes to some new ways to think about Coronavirus as it becomes present in our world:
Gilliam, LMT
It’s true.
There’s a virus out there and it’s spreading rampantly, easily, (no one is exactly
sure how); and it’s a nasty one that can
potentially kill you. At the current rate, it’s pretty clear that eventually
every one of us will probably wind up getting exposed, despite our best
Whether it
evolved naturally or was, as rumored, engineered; the fact of this disease
breaking out in the world’s foremost hub of economic productivity represents
the equivalent of a global physical and financial attack, one that we can beat
collectively if enough of us step back to see the bigger picture and change our
fear habits.
Here are my
top 10 things you can do today to beat Coronavirus.
Some of them come from a natural healing/quantum physics perspective and though proven to be powerful and effective, you may find them surprising and even controversial. You don’t have to actually believe them, just be willing to, and then open up to watch them begin to work. It’s the willingness that cracks open the darkness and lets in the light, so tell yourself right now: “Whatever this is, if it will help save me physically and financially, I am willing to believe it, and if I can’t fully, it’s okay. I’m staying open.”
Some of them come from a natural healing/quantum physics perspective and though proven to be powerful and effective, you may find them surprising and even controversial. You don’t have to actually believe them, just be willing to, and then open up to watch them begin to work. It’s the willingness that cracks open the darkness and lets in the light, so tell yourself right now: “Whatever this is, if it will help save me physically and financially, I am willing to believe it, and if I can’t fully, it’s okay. I’m staying open.”
1. Look at the Facts...
It’s easy to
let our minds get wrapped around the flagpole of panic and despair, but rather
than do that, it’s important to pause and take a look at the evidence. First of
all, COVID-19 (Coronavirus) hasn’t killed a drop in the bucket compared to the
plain old flu this year. At this writing the global death toll for Coronavirus
is 2,800, compared to this year’s whopping estimated 291,000-646,000 from
regular flu. If you average the estimated range you get 468,500, or 167X more deaths
than from Coronavirus.
But it’ just
beginning, you say. So let’s compare the infection vs. death rate to that from
MERS a few years ago, which had a 34.4% death rate. Although no one is standing
firm on the numbers, it looks like Coronavirus is killing somewhere between
3-7%. Fully 81% of those infected have mild cases, and no one under the age of
10 has died.
Which is
where you and your health and immunity come in to play, and here’s the very
good news. You can do a lot to build up your immune system, both physically and
energetically, and in this you have total control.
2. Say Goodbye to Hand Sanitizers and Germicides
You may think I’m robbing you of your first line of defense against the
virus, but the opposite is true. Let’s take back the power we’ve given the germ
(i.e. bacterial, viral and fungal) world. There are healthy germs and mean ones. We
carry more bacteria in our gut, by a large margin, than we have cells in our
entire bodies. We’re born with them and we couldn’t
digest our food without them.
How did it
happen that we came to hand our power over to tiny microbes? To explain we need
to go back in history to a little known event at the death bed of Louis
Pasteur, champion of the germ theory, which won out over his competing
contemporary, Joseph Hahnemann, and his theory of homeopathic medicine. (Had it
gone differently, today our whole idea of disease would be upturned and we’d
all be taking remedies in milk sugar pellets under our tongues to increase
rather and decrease our symptoms. Symptoms are often the body’s defenses at work:
e.g., a fever burns out infection by circulating the blood faster and upping
its friction with the vascular walls. (Side note: If you have body aches from flu, just
relax the area and they will ease. The pain is from the muscles not allowing
the vessels to expand under pressure of greater blood flow.)
reported that as Pasteur breathed his last breath he admitted to the superiority
of his rival’s theory, saying, “It’s not the mosquito, but the swamp it swims
in.” In other words, the germs can only become as deadly as our defenses are
weak. If it was only about germs we’d have no doctors, nurses or hospital
staff. They’d all be dead.
Germs grow
in microscopic gardens all around us, on every surface. When you use a hand
sanitizer or chemical germicide at home you kill off the friendly flora and
make room for the bad ones to go crazy and fill in the deficit. There was a
study years ago that compared the germ count on the countertops of a meticulous
housewife who used germicide to that of a bachelor who did not. And yes, the
bachelor’s home was much cleaner germ wise and healthier because the natural
counter balances, germ species to germ species, were still intact.
So let nature’s
checks and balances take effect. You’re never going to erase all germs without
an autoclave and a freezer, which would need to take them back and forth several times, and even
then their spores would lie in wait for an opportune moment.
3. Let the Sun Shine In
In my college microbiology class we did an experiment with the
disinfecting power of sunlight. We cut a paper capital E and laid it in the
middle of the agar in a petri dish, held it outdoors in the sun for 2 minutes,
then covered it and put it in an incubator. A week later we found a perfect
letter E in fuzzy bacterial growth, with the rest of the dish completely clear.
Were it not for the sun, our planet would be overrun with bacteria, viruses and
fungi. That’s why mold grows in the dark.
4. Create Your Immune Building Lifestyle
If you’ve been procrastinating getting into shape, now is a great excuse
to start a moderate exercise regimen, which builds your immunity by circulating
the healing factors in your blood.
Another great immune builder is to swim in cold water because it
increases your body’s adaptability. If this isn’t possible or if you’re not
that radically hardy, a long cold splash at the end of your shower is
powerfully beneficial. If you can spare the water, going back between hot and
cold a few times forces the blood to gush through your internal organs (hot)
and then back to the skin (cold).
And of course, lots of rest, especially when you feel like you’re about to
come down with something, provides your body the energy needed to fight the
5. Remedies
The effects of natural healing are much more subtle than consuming typical
allopathic medicines which extract the active ingredient from an herb,
isolating it from protective buffers, and then multiplying
it as much as 1,000 times. So don’t expect a one pill wonder here. Natural
healing works when each system (vascular,
respiratory, digestive, hormonal and immune) supports
the others.
Here’s a partial list and what they do:
--Celery juice dissolves all bacteria, viruses and fungus in the body
--Lemon water with honey and garlic (if you can stand it) cleanses the
liver, increases hydration, adds Vitamin C and antioxidants, and reduces
inflammation. The honey helps pull it into the liver, especially first thing in
the morning
-- Ginseng, produces more antiviral protein
--Get Airborne. It’s vitamin, herb
and mineral blend supports immunity
--Intermittent cleansing and fasting eliminates toxins that feed
pathogens (message me for more on this—I’m an
aficionado since 1973!)
--Honeygar, warm water with up to 1 T vinegar and 1 t honey (you can
reverse the amounts if you need to) throughout the day. The buffers in the
vinegar absorb many times their weight in acid, alkalizing the body and
rendering it less hospitable to germs. This treatment in particular can trigger
a healing crisis, the disease’s last stand
--Supplements and Tinctures (can dose as much as hourly):
Echinacea, immune booster
Ginger, stimulates immunity to kill
Elderberry, fights viruses
Cayenne, dries up mucus
Goldenseal, fights microorganisms and
dries mucus
Oscillococcinum as directed relieves
flu symptoms
6. Visualize White Light and Wellness Within
As your mind and body work together, this technique calls your white
blood cells to the area you’re working with. It’s easy to do when you’re well,
much harder when you’re sick. I’ve used it to heal everything from plantar
warts to pneumonia. It uses imagination, which is always the doorway to what
you don’t know how to do. These three methods work the best:
A. Picture a ball of white light for as
long as you can sustain it if you feel, say, a little tickle in your throat,
all the way to full blown symptoms.
B. Imagine your body’s energy system
flowing like a three-dimensional donut down through your core and out your
feet, up around to enter the top of your head again. In this flow, introduce
thousands of little white ninja stars spinning and slicing to pieces anything
and everything that is not supposed to be there.
C. If you are sick, imagine, in vivid detail,
yourself: healthy and strong, playing with your full vitality in force. Your
body will take this and run with it and it’s also entertaining and hopeful.
7. Laugh a Lot
Norman Cousins proved this by healing a life threatening illness by
watching Marx Brothers movies and writing Anatomy
of an Illness. Laughing gives you a mini workout, boosts immunity, wipes
out stress, clears your mind, and improves natural killer cell activity.
8. Unify With You
Make sure that every thought you have about yourself is a good one. If
you mess up, accept it. Letting your thoughts turn to self-judgment will take
you down faster than anything, kind of like tearing a hole in your hot air
balloon. Practice pivoting self-criticism from the voice in your head the
moment you feel its disturbance. Just laugh, give yourself a hug and tell
yourself something wonderful about you.
9. Financial Flexibility
More than
the physical danger, the real threat Coronavirus poses is its attack upon our
world’s economic prosperity. This we absolutely can turn around, individually
and as a whole.
At a quantum
level, it’s impossible for anything to come to us that doesn’t match our own
frequency. While it’s easy to “awfulize” in a situation where there is
financial uncertainty, it’s the most destructive thing you can do. Three weeks
of worry, or negative visualization, can do your business in.
When you
understand how absolute your sovereignty to create your life actually is, you
never doubt that what comes to you is for your good. You’re able to take
responsibility for negative events from the past in a way that may sound almost
cruel: children who are starving every day! But the key is that we are immortal,
so our lifetimes become more like costumes donned for a play of experience,
none of which is either positive or negative, only what we decide them to be.
Realize that
what comes to you is not what you wish to believe, but what you actually do
believe, and therein lies the work. Again, it begins by opening to the
possibility, not trying to force it, just sitting and being with it.
So if your
financial security is threatened by Coronavirus, imagining how to change gears
and begin something that will sustain you in this situation is much more
productive, fun and encouraging than dreading the worst. Create your day the
night before and say, “Tomorrow I am meeting remarkable people, and doing
amazing things, and all the time I’m feeling so excited about my life and how
great I can make it,” and when you wake, carry it into your day. Recognize
doubt as just a refusal to participate.
10. Forgive the Situation
I believe that our souls come to this world to experience the greatest
possible opportunity to grow, which is amply afforded on Earth by unlimited
free will and the wildest of life challenges. Knowing this, you can apply the
old metaphysical saying, “What you resist persists.” Forgiveness has nothing to
do with ignoring a problem or pretending that it’s not bad. You don’t justify
or make yourself vulnerable to it in the future. It’s simply about letting go.
Refusing to forgive a person or situation is like drinking poison and hoping the
other party will suffer for it. According to Sue Pipal’s book, Forgiveness is the Key to Freedom: It’s
EasierThan You Think!
This Coronavirus
outbreak actually provides a splendid opportunity for all of us as a human
species to break the chains of fear that have held and driven us for thousands
of years. I know that by creating our way out of Coronavirus panic we can all
receive the priceless gem of knowing that the next time adversity strikes we
can do it all over again and come out on top--all of us, doing our part,
together, for the good of all. And I think we’re ready!